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Pemaquid Lightouse 10-2-07
f/22 0.3 sec. ISO 400 Canon 10-22mm lens @10mm This was a composition that I saw on Susan Milestone's website, and I was determined to try it myself. Category: Elective - Use of Leading Lines. In this photograph, the ridges in the rock form leading lines that take the viewer's eye into the photograph toward the lighthouse.

© Robert A. Burns

Extra Large Print
Extra Large photo printed on 13 x 19 inch Epson Premium Semigloss paper. The actual dimensions will vary according to the dimensions of the original photograph.  $45.00
Large Print
Large photo (typically 10 x 15 inches) printed on 11.7 x 16.5 inch Epson Premium Luster paper. The actual size of the print will vary according to the dimensions of the original photograph.  $35.00
Medium Print
Medium size photo (approximately 6.67x10) printed on 8.5 x 11 inch Epson Premium Luster paper. The actual size of the print will vary according to the dimensions of the original photograph.  $25.00